Project Me-Time began with a desire to help women, by supporting them to fall in love with taking care of themselves. 
The concept is simple – 5 months of weekly emailed self-care activities for you to practice. Creating some joy-filled time just for you, and no one else, every week for 20 weeks. Along with inspiration, accountability, journal prompts and questions to support you.

A habit of not taking regular time for ourselves has been shown to be linked to the development of stress-illness.

Habits take time to change but replacing a habit of NOT taking regular time for ourselves, with a habit of weekly self-care is one of the most simple and effective ways to build your stress-resilience, avoid repeated stress-induced illnesses and achieving a state of lasting inner calm, no matter what the world throws at you.

Habits are actions that are triggered automatically in response to contextual cues associated with their performance – when you get into your car – you automatically put on the seat belt.  You don’t think about doing it or why you do it.  Your brain likes habits because they’re efficient, but because our brain stops thinking about what we are doing or why – over time we can easily develop unhelpful habit patterns in response to stress triggers (like ignoring our own self-care because we are ‘too busy’, engaging in unhealthy habits like drinking more alcohol or smoking more, stress eating and more) …… AND we don’t often stop to think about whether what we are doing or why we are doing it is helpful!

I invite you to take a moment right now to think about what your automatic responses are to your stress-triggers – are they serving you?

If unhealthy habits have become your automatic response to stress-triggers – I’d like to invite you to change that with me.

I’ve designed this program to help and guide you to reflect on and breakaway from those unhelpful stress-triggered habits, and begin to replace them with habits that will protect and serve your mental and physical health.  Through a process of weekly suggestions for self-care activities, journaling and accountability you CAN step into new habits that will support you to handle those life stressors we cannot avoid with ease and grace and kindness to yourself.

Practice a little self-care each week, and fall in love with taking care of yourself

On The Form Below (NO Credit Card Required)

At the end of your trial period, if you are finding this program useful you will have the opportunity to sign up for the remainder of this 5 month program for $18 per month.