Heal, Let go & Rise up

This issue comes up with quite a few of my new coaching clients, so it’s probably time for a reminder on this topic….

I reckon the majority of the population experiences some kind of extreme challenge at some stage in their life. And pretty much everyone has been injured emotionally as a result of someone else’s words or actions. It’s perfectly natural to feel pain, but that pain sometimes persists longer than a “healthy dose”. When the emotion attached to the hurt lingers for too long, it interferes with our ability to get on with some (or many) areas of life, and it creates a certain degree of “stuckness.”

When we’re in pain it can be difficult to find joy – the sense of joy just becomes elusive because of the feeling of being stuck. Being stuck slows down (or stops) the ability to move forward into new positive experiences. And it can negatively impact current and future relationships.

Forgiveness can be a difficult thing to do, but it’s also one of the most important things we can do for our own wellbeing. When we forgive someone, or a particular event, we’re letting go of sadness, anger, resentment, hurt and bitterness. We’re also letting go of the need to get even or make the other person suffer. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning what happened or forgetting about it entirely – it just means letting go of our low vibrational feelings towards it. By forgiving, we’re choosing to focus on the positive rather than dwelling on the negative. We’re also choosing to move on with our lives rather than letting the past hold us back.

If you’re struggling to forgive someone, it’s important to remember that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, not the other person. It’s a way of letting go of the past so you can live more fully in the present. Perhaps there are some good memories you had with the person that you can focus on, rather than the hurt they caused you. Ultimately, forgiveness is something we do for ourselves, and it can be one of the most liberating things we ever do.

We can’t control what others do, or what has happened in our world, but we can control how we react to it. We always have the choice of what we think. When we change our thoughts, then our feelings change. So, do what you can to reach for those good feeling thoughts.

Letting go is a decision to move on from the hurt. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth it.

When we forgive, we release ourselves from the negative or toxic emotions that can hold us back. It is the opportunity to give ourselves permission to heal. It’s an act of self-care and compassion. By forgiving, we make space for love, compassion, and hope in our lives.

Holding onto the pain of the past is heavy, it weighs us down!  Similar to aircraft – if the plane is too heavy, it can’t take off.  And if a vehicle is towing a trailer up a hill – it will be much slower than if it didn’t have something attached.

We all want to be happy, right? When we drop the weight that burdens us, then we’re free to soar to new heights!

As human beings, we can seek out experiences that we love the most in life, whatever that may be. There’s no shortage of options available!

The more you try new things, the better equipped your mind will be to figure out what it is that makes up YOU.

Experiencing new and fun things has many benefits…  Time becomes more memorable. Creativity and brainpower will be improved. And when shared with others, there’s opportunity to form new relationships, or deepen current relationships.

What if the next new thing you do is your real passion?

Here’s an affirmation you could use… “The more I let go, the higher I rise”

Is there something you can let go of that will free you to explore new natural highs in life?

If you need some support with the act of forgiveness, get in touch and let me know so I can send you tips on that.

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